Wool for your Hair!

Every day for the past week or two, I've had boxes of fleece delivered to the house. They're starting to take over! It's all for a great cause though: my "Are Ewe Well-Bred?" fleece study is alive and rolling!
So far, I have these fleeces in my house:
3 California Reds, 3 Shetlands, 2 Rambouillets, 2 Cheviots, 3 Gulf Coast Natives, 1 CVM, 1 Jacob, 2 Black Welsh Mountain Sheep, and about 15 more bags full of miscellaneous wool that I've acquired over the past few weeks from local farmers.
Where do I keep it all?
In the hall of my studio:
And in the basement:
(here, you can see the Jacob fleece)
(this is one of the Rambouillets spread out for inspection):
And in the studio kitchen (California Red that I'm cold soaking)
And in the studio (California Red drying)
Doesn't it look like a whole bunch of fun?!
I have some stuff to show off:
Captain Malcom Reynolds
These are the fibers and yarns I have up in the shop that are "Firefly" inspired. More are coming soon!
The items are great, but what I'm really showing off is my new-found toy: Picasa! It makes great collages and is so simple to use! Aren't they shiny?!
Grab some popcorn, a soda and some wool! The tutorial is here!
Follow this link to the video or click on "Tutorials" in my menu bar.
Yesterday the whole family was snowed in. We live in Western New York, and my husband was one of the unfortunate souls who spent their night sitting on the highway, as shown on CNN. Luckily, he was able to get home by 9:30 am! He came home, went to sleep, and I sent the little girls off to grandma's for a while (she's next door). Because, despite the snow, and the need for quiet, it was my dyeing day!
I had two of four shippments of wool arrive by yesterday: Clun Forest roving and raw cream and brown Finn Sheep fleece. I was itching to boil something!
I'm fortunate enough to have a separate mini kitchen that I use as my dyeing studio. It hasn't been re-decorated yet, so please over-look the tile and general decor. But feel free to bask in the glorious mess.
My son asked if I felt like a mad scientist while dyeing. I immediately said yes, but I think I'm going to have to tell him I prefer "genius scientist."
Some fleece being dyed-up a nice, blood red (even though it looks orange in this light):
A dirty Finn fleece getting a bath:
Some finished work drying:
Finished rovings drying (good use of laundry baskets!):
And what kind of genius scientist would I be without an arch nemesis?
Dum, dum, dum . . .
LAUNDRY!!!! (said with a shriek of horror) I fought hard against it yesterday, but the war isn't over.
Have a great Fiber Arts Friday! Follow the link to other great blogs about fiber!