Dyeing Day: A Glimpse into My Studio

Yesterday the whole family was snowed in. We live in Western New York, and my husband was one of the unfortunate souls who spent their night sitting on the highway, as shown on CNN. Luckily, he was able to get home by 9:30 am! He came home, went to sleep, and I sent the little girls off to grandma's for a while (she's next door). Because, despite the snow, and the need for quiet, it was my dyeing day!
I had two of four shippments of wool arrive by yesterday: Clun Forest roving and raw cream and brown Finn Sheep fleece. I was itching to boil something!
I'm fortunate enough to have a separate mini kitchen that I use as my dyeing studio. It hasn't been re-decorated yet, so please over-look the tile and general decor. But feel free to bask in the glorious mess.
My son asked if I felt like a mad scientist while dyeing. I immediately said yes, but I think I'm going to have to tell him I prefer "genius scientist."
Some fleece being dyed-up a nice, blood red (even though it looks orange in this light):
A dirty Finn fleece getting a bath:
Some finished work drying:
Finished rovings drying (good use of laundry baskets!):
And what kind of genius scientist would I be without an arch nemesis?
Dum, dum, dum . . .
LAUNDRY!!!! (said with a shriek of horror) I fought hard against it yesterday, but the war isn't over.
Have a great Fiber Arts Friday! Follow the link to other great blogs about fiber!
Reader Comments (10)
I'll take playing with fiber over laundry any day!
Howdy neighbor! I didn't realize you lived so close to me. Glad your hubby is home safe and finally off the 90!
Great colors! I too feel like a mad scientist when I have all the pots going. I'm a bit mad enough to throw in a cackle or a Muhahaha if no one is around.
You know how to have a good time, I love it!!! It's really nice that you have an extra kitchen for dying.
What a great space! I dye in my regular kitchen, but one day I hope to have a regular studio space. :)
Dominant Hands: Who wouldn't!!?? HA! Sometimes I talk to my SAHM friends and they try to convince me that they love cleaning. I think they're just lying and trying to convince themselves it's not that bad! (I say that with lots of love ;) )
Lindsay: I had to look up Avon, NY, but we are neighbors!! Look at that! Just around the corner and about an hour and a half away ;) Are you a member of the guild over there? And I think I'm going to have to let loose and cackle. That sounds like fun! I do sing country music very loudly with the radio--some may say it's pretty close to cackling!
Curly Bird: Thanks! I am very very blessed!!
Jess: I'll keep my fingers crossed for your studio space! When you put in your wish on a star, ask for more counter space than I have!!
Hahahaha! My arch nemesis is laundry too... Although it's awesome that you have a little kitchen all to your dying. Very cool.
Beautiful colors! Oh, how I wish I had a separate kitchen. I have my dye materials out in the pool house away from the food. Your colors really are gorgeous. Yes, I have a similar laundry photo...it always comes second to fiber arts.
Happy Fiber Arts Friday!
Looks like my laundry room! Lovely colors and beautiful results. What better than dyeing on a snowy day! Hope you had a great time. Thanks for sharing your photos.
There's no way you could have gotten all of that laundry completed since your baskets were very busy drying rovings... ;-) Seriously, it looks like you have a great space.
I am so jealous of your extra kitchen...and I'm sure my husband would warn against giving me any ideas about having one, LOL After my first experience dying yarn a couple weeks ago I know you were having a great time with those boiling vats of yarny goodness. Happy Fiber Arts Friday!