Deep in the Heart of Texas

This month's Phat Fiber theme is "The Music Box," and I've interpreted my song of choice (Deep in the Heart of Texas) through my fiber content as well as my color choices. But for all the fanatics, here's the song:
The stars at night, are big and bright,
deep in the heart of Texas,
The prairie sky is wide and high,
deep in the heart of Texas.
The sage in bloom is like perfume,
deep in the heart of Texas,
Reminds me of, the one I love,
deep in the heart of Texas.
The coyotes wail, along the trail,
deep in the heart of Texas,
The rabbits rush, around the brush,
deep in the heart of Texas.
The cowboys cry, "Ki-yip-pee-yi,"
deep in the heart of Texas,
The dogies bawl, and bawl and bawl,
deep in the heart of Texas.
My Aunt Betty gave me a music box when I was a child that played the song.
Though not in the song, the heart of Texas, for me, are the cotton fields and cotton farming (as discussed here in the cotton post). And I wanted to feature my uncle's West Texas cotton in my mini batt samples.
Just a reminder what a small (yet huge when it's in your living room) bale of cotton looks like:
And here are this month's samples:
Well, they at least have burlap around them! I had to make them a little prettier than a real bale in order to show off the fibers. And speaking of fiber, here are the ingredients in raw form:
Clockwise from far left are natural cream BFL, blend of turquoise Shetland and turquoise Firestar, chocolate BFL, and a blend of cotton and Peruvian wool. The final, full-sized batts have twice the percentage of the turquoise as the samples. Here's the full-sized, 2.25 oz. batt:
They'll be available at the release of the video (around Dec. 10) and then again when the boxes arrive on doorsteps!
I'll also have many, many batts available with cotton for sale throughout December. The finished yarn has a great tweed texture, and it's fun to spin!
To wrap up my Texas cotton theme for the month, my parents were in town for Thanksgiving, all the way from Granbury, Texas! And they helped me assemble all the little samples!
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