Blizzard Spinning

I spun this up during the Polar Vortex Blizzard of 2014! I spun some BFL and BL locks loosely at a pretty slow speed, then plied them with two strands of silk thread to act as a binder.
I spun this up during the Polar Vortex Blizzard of 2014! I spun some BFL and BL locks loosely at a pretty slow speed, then plied them with two strands of silk thread to act as a binder.
Grab some popcorn, a soda and some wool! The tutorial is here!
Follow this link to the video or click on "Tutorials" in my menu bar.
I recently was able to grab some time to play with core spinning. Here are my results . . .
I used a GORGEOUS cloud of super soft baby kid mohair with Angelina from The Critter Ranch. Yup, Sue strikes again! She's such an enabler! This was her sample for the November, Seasons of Light Phat Fiber Box. It came in a sweet Christmas ornament
I had to wait until after Christmas to open it up and use it!
Here are the locks (photo swiped from Sue)
And here's the core yarn I used
Weren't they just made for each other?!
I need to make more of this yarn. It was so much fun!