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Entries by Willow Glen Farm (133)


My Little Helpers!

Every fiber artist dreams of the day when their fiber is so in demand that they need to bring in an assistant (or two). Apparently, my day has come. . .

I was working on the computer in my back studio with Kat quietly doing puzzles beside me, or so I thought. The sound of splashing pulled me from my work and I realized Kat had gotten busy in the studio kitchen. My mind was a step ahead of my rushing feet as I remembered I had a very dirty Jacob fleece soaking in very dirty water in the sink.

The little bugger is fast and stealthy! She had dragged her stool over the sink and climbed up.

BUT! Look at that smart girl and good helper . . . just like Mommy, she put her gloves on before putting her hands in the water!

When I got to her, she was saying, "Wash, wash, wash!"

One helper may be a necessity, but TWO helpers is down right decadent.

Morgan proved to be a bit more effective as a fiber assistant.

Here she is sorting the colors of a Jacob fleece for my "Are Ewe Well-Bred?" club. As she's getting older, she's becoming more and more interested in wool processing, and I can assign her jobs that are actually helpful.

Now if I could only get the boys to help as well . . .


Farm Photos

I'm a sucker for a cute duck. Cuteness is about all they're good for anyway. . .


Barn Expansion Update

I'll skip the typical "I can't believe it's been so long since I've posted" line that so many of us bloggers find ourselves repeating time and again. It was a nutty summer, a busy Fall, and now we're moving into winter. I'll try to catch up with summer stories during the long winter months.


But for now . . . a look at our exansion. It's coming along and will be finished in time for the first real snow!

Review (what the barn looked like):

And now . . .

That was two weekends ago--since this photo, the front has been copletely covered with plywood, but the pine tree is still laying there. The other two trees will be coming inside for us to use as Christmas trees next month.

The best part about the barn is the house door to get in. It opens directly into the animals' bedding area. So when I go out to the barn for feeding/chores, this is what I see.

Starr welcoming me into her house! It's hilarious. And she loves looking out the door to see what's going on.

The inside of the barn still has an open back wall. For this winter, we're just going to put up heavy insulation lining back there because in the spring, we'll be expanding further down again. It was silly to put up a wall just to knock it back down.


The Trifecta

Really. . . does it get any better than wool drying, sheep and llamas grazing and leaves changing?


Wool for your Hair!

I've been working on these wool lock hair extensions lately, and they're a bit hit with the 7 YO crowd! They're available in the shop, and instructions to install them are here on the blog under tutorials!