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Entries by Willow Glen Farm (133)


Llama on the way!

My great friend Sue of The Critter Ranch is providing a llama for our farm to protect our soon-to-be flock of Shetland sheep! We'll be getting "Confetti" and she's coming to us pregnant (squeal!). The following pictures are of Confetti at Sue's farm (pre and post shearing) and the daddy we picked out (his name is Erick).

Isn't she adorable? Isn't he handsome?! I think the kids are waaaay more excited about the  llamas than the sheep. And that's fine with me!



We had a great Easter, and I thought I'd share some pics real quick!


And the reality of it all:


I hope everyone else had a great Easter as well!


Fleece Invasion!

Every day for the past week or two, I've had boxes of fleece delivered to the house. They're starting to take over! It's all for a great cause though: my "Are Ewe Well-Bred?" fleece study is alive and rolling!

So far, I have these fleeces in my house:

3 California Reds, 3 Shetlands, 2 Rambouillets, 2 Cheviots, 3 Gulf Coast Natives, 1 CVM, 1 Jacob, 2 Black Welsh Mountain Sheep, and about 15 more bags full of miscellaneous wool that I've acquired over the past few weeks from local farmers.

Where do I keep it all?

In the hall of my studio:

And in the basement:

(here, you can see the Jacob fleece)

(this is one of the Rambouillets spread out for inspection):

And in the studio kitchen (California Red that I'm cold soaking)

And in the studio (California Red drying)

Doesn't it look like a whole bunch of fun?!


Quick Brag Post

I've been swamped lately. Good busy . . .but very busy!

So I'm showing off one of my customer's creations! Linda purchased some Romney last fall and spun (on a spindle no less!) this beautiful yarn:

She then (along with another Romney batt) made this sweater for her grandson!

And she just started spinning this past September! Isn't that awesome! Such an inspiration to be to actually use my handspun. I can never find the time to knit, but when I see finished creations like this, I'm reminded why I started spinning in the first place!

Nice work Linda!




Sometimes it's beautiful. Sometimes it's quiet. Right now it's just frustrating.

Especially if you're a duck.