And in Duck News . . .

My very first post on my blog was about my ducks and their aversion to water. Seriously. They wouldn't go in. You can read about it here: Awww Ducks.
Well, I'm pleased to announce that my ducks have seen the light! Or, as the case may be, the water!
Check it:
I'm so proud. It's only taken 6 months and freezing cold weather to tempt them into the water.
So, now a confession:
Yup. That's as deep as they go. But their feet aren't touching; I think that counts for something! Hey . . . baby waddles, ya know?
And they're REALLY enjoying the water. Here's a few more shots of them frolicking.
The only drake we have stretching for the ladies
Taking a nap with one look out at the ready
QUACK!!I hope they're able to take a few swims around the pond before it starts freezing over. Keeping my fingers crossed.
In fiber news, I have a lot of new batts up in the shop, with more to come. Check them out! And I'll be working to update the blog with breed information; my goal is to have an info page for each breed that goes into the batts. It'll take me a while, but I still think it's important to keep spinners educated!
Take care everyone--and I'd love some comments about my gifted ducks!!