Goats are Here!

Last night we had our two Angora goats delivered to the house! Angora's grow mohair, so they'll be great additions to the fiber farm. And they're wethers (castrated boys), so they'll stay nice and sweet (hopefully).
When they got here, they were due for a shearing (Angora's are sheared twice a year), so we decided to start fresh and get them clipped before putting them in their quarantine field.
By the time we were done, it was 10 pm and Mike and I were exhausted!
The boys did fine over-night and Kat and I went out for a visit this morning.
Starr was beside herself with curiosity . . .
Look at all those wrinkles!!
I don't know much about goats or mohair, but hey, I didn't know anything about llamas 18 months ago! Mike and I are fast learners.
The fleece off these guys is absolutely fabulous; soft and shiny--it's like touching a cloud. It was so soft over all their body, I couldn't tell how to skirt it. Finally, I just decided to keep it if it didn't have burrs or poop on it. I'm washing some up now to give it a test spin--can't wait!
They came with the names Patriot and Roman, but we haven't decided if those will stick or get changed. I'll let you know!