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Entries in busy (1)


My Crazy Life

I know we all have chaos at times, and this recent flurry of activity at my house is not really all that out of the norm for me, but I'm so sad that my blog suffered so much through it!

Here's the run-down:

My parents were in town for a week

We survived Hannah's 6th birthday party (all the girls from her class came!)

Josh had his Homecoming dance and all the activities associated with it

Seth joined the school's volleyball team (they play a LOT of games!)

Kitty has had a cold and isn't sleeping through the night anymore

AND . . . drum roll please . . .

My in-law's house is finished!!!! We moved them in last weekend and we now have a WHOLE, real, fully-functional house to ourselves for the first time in over a year!!! It's been a long road, and not the hardest, but now I have a basement and barn to unload (that's where half of my house has been for 18 months), lots of wallpaper to take down, and walls to paint. When they took their washer and dryer, I thought I'd take down the wallpaper in the laundry room and paint it before my w&d were delivered, but as the paper came down, more and more wall issues were revealed and now we've been without a w&d for almost  a week while I'm patching, sanding and scraping. The laundry pile is getting pretty bad around here since there's 6 of us!!

So that's why I haven't been typing much lately. And why I have no pretty photos for this blog. I've been too busy!

I do plan to join in on Fiber Friday this week with a new handspun yarn and a peek of a pattern I'm working on. So stay tuned . . . I promise I'll have it all together someday!