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EmmyLou finishes up Lambing for 2013

We had a sweet little moorit ram lamb born last Thursday (May 2). We've named him Wyeth which means, "from Land by the Willow." I had been watching EL all day, but a friend and her girls stopped by and we all got distracted with frogs in the pond. They left and about an hour later, I looked outside and saw a dark spot next to EmmyLou. Since Rose was the only other dark lamb, I knew she's lambed! When I got out there, he had been walking for a while and was all cleaned off and dry. I missed the whole thing! I'm sure it's the first of many lambings that I'll miss.

Here he is when I got to him.

Kat helped me get a better look the next day.

I think he is quite handsome. Of course, it may be because he's my favorite color!