It's Been A Rough Week

Last week, while I was posting on Friday, I was ignoring a terrible pain in my stomach. Long story short, I had my appendix removed on Saturday. Recuperation is not as fast as I'd like, but I was able to get a lot of knitting done!!
I finished a 1X1 rib neck warmer for my daughter. I didn't decrease as I went up, I just changed needle sizes. And striped at random.
In the hospital, the log cabin squares came in handy as they were mindless, garter stitch knitting. I finished the one I started last week, then made another and got going on a third:
Then, with the large ball of handspun that I made with Phat Fiber samples, I made (along with the majority of that darker block up there) a cowl. It's call the Switchback Cowl from Kira K Designs. I worked it until I ran out of yarn--it's much shorter than what she calls for, but I tried it on and it works great for me.
The original yarn:
I'm off to lay in bed some more. I can't wait to get back to my dye pots and spinning wheel!!!
It's Fiber Arts Friday, so check out what's happening at Wonder Why Gal's blog!!