It's Been A Rough Week

Last week, while I was posting on Friday, I was ignoring a terrible pain in my stomach. Long story short, I had my appendix removed on Saturday. Recuperation is not as fast as I'd like, but I was able to get a lot of knitting done!!
I finished a 1X1 rib neck warmer for my daughter. I didn't decrease as I went up, I just changed needle sizes. And striped at random.
In the hospital, the log cabin squares came in handy as they were mindless, garter stitch knitting. I finished the one I started last week, then made another and got going on a third:
Then, with the large ball of handspun that I made with Phat Fiber samples, I made (along with the majority of that darker block up there) a cowl. It's call the Switchback Cowl from Kira K Designs. I worked it until I ran out of yarn--it's much shorter than what she calls for, but I tried it on and it works great for me.
The original yarn:
I'm off to lay in bed some more. I can't wait to get back to my dye pots and spinning wheel!!!
It's Fiber Arts Friday, so check out what's happening at Wonder Why Gal's blog!!
Reader Comments (8)
You sound like me...I would have wanted a fiber project to work on at the hospital too! Hope you get to feeling better soon!
Glad to hear you're doing better and impressed with all of your fibery progress.
Pray you have a speedy recovery! Well, at least you had some great fiber fun.
Knitting your way through recovery. Sounds like the best medicine!
Amanda feel better fast
I got side tyracked today & just got my post up for this Friday
heres to a speedy recovery
Wow...what a shock! I'm glad that you were able to receive care quickly, and that you're now on the mend.
Please take your time getting back to your normal schedule. Be kind to your body. Enjoy the time you have off and create!!!
Thank you everyone!! I think what I learned most in all this is that I have a wonderful family and awesome friends!! My husband has been amazing, my kids have all pitched in, I couldn't have erased a whole week's schedule without my in-laws, and my parents sent me the best flowers and daily love! Not to mention all the good wishes I've gotten from friends!
Thank you all again! And if it takes me a while to get to your blogs, I hope you understand ;)
Whoa, that's certainly not the kind of pain you should ignore. Glad all is well and that your are recovering. Your knits look great! Happy Fiber Arts Friday!