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My Buns are Burning

I know I'm a bad cook, but come on!!! This week's attempt at getting my Phat Fiber samples ready has been fraught with problems.

I should have known better when the theme was set as "The Sweet Shop" to stick with a candy inspiration and not go for baked goods. But do I listen . . . noooooo!

I decided to make "blueberry muffins and coffee" roving. Let's just say, the first half of the rovings ended up heavy on the coffee. Or, as Brendan (I just can't continue using my kids' fake names!), put it, these were well done muffins. Yup, I sucessfully interpreted a burnt muffin.

But the colors are still great--I really like it a lot and these will go out in the box anyway. But, I still needed to dye the rest of the wool and wanted to try for the lighter look that I had originally  envisioned. So I threw in the remaining 5 braids of roving into two pots and started again.

Everything was going well, and I added the final "blueberries" on the final flip of the wool, put the pot back on the stove and got busy carding in another room.

Do you know where this is going?

Here's a hint: I started to smell the problem . . .

Do you know what burning wool smells like? It's not good!

Here's what burned wool looks like:

I literally burned my blueberry muffin wool!!! How bad is that?!!

The final outcome was three braids saved, one partially ruined (it'll become some handspun) and one completely ruined.

You see, I use a low-water kettle-dyeing technique for adding spots at the end of my dyeing process. And you shouldn't walk away from it and get busy carding in another room!!! Urg.

With the three saved braids, I did get some good muffins though:

Now, with the two ruined braids, I had to come up with something else to add to the Phat Fiber box, because I wasn't going to meet my 50-sample goal.

Luckily, I had some great colors already dyed up in Finnwool and made these "Skittles" batts:

There's only 12 of them, but I'll have some full-sized batts up in the shop next week along with some full-sized Blueberry Muffin and Coffee rovings. But that means I need to dye them. Wish me luck!!!

Now you need to head over to Wonder Why Alpaca and see what everyone else is up to this week!!!

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Reader Comments (9)

Sorry for all the trip-ups you experienced!

March 4, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterWord Lily


I can't stop giggling...you know I laugh with you right.....have been in the same boat!!!
boiled over dye pots boiled dry dyepots, left in the oven till very crispy dye pans so
with you giggles...

March 4, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterThe Critter Ranch

Too funny...the salvaged "muffins" look good enough to eat.! Love the skittles idea.....

March 4, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMom

Sue--I fully intend for everyone to laugh with me here! What else can I do???!!!

March 4, 2011 | Registered CommenterWillow Glen Farm

Oh no! I have a bad habit of putting my tea kettle on the stove and going off to check my email. Well, you know how that is, you check your mail, then you check FB, then Ravelry and click a few links and OMG the kettle is burning up on the stove! I use a whistler now so I don't burn the house down, LOL The muffins are pretty though and that skittles is a real shocker! Happy Fiber Arts Friday!

March 4, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAllyB

Oh no! I'm sorry you had such a rough time, but I like the results!

March 4, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJess

I like the skittles one!

March 4, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSpinster Beth

Yikes! I would be freaking out. I love the blues and browns of the burnt blueberry muffins ( sorry, the renaming had to be done)

The skittles batts are amazing. What a punch of color just itching to be spun.

Thanks for the reminder to always watch your fiber bake.

Happy Fiber Arts Friday!

March 4, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterWonder Why Gal

This is a very funny story... especially with the mishaps. I really like the blueberry/coffee batts and the burnt one looks pretty great too. :-)

March 5, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterKathryn | Alpacamundo

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