We're in "Lion" Mode!

So March came in like a lamb here in WNY, but right now it's definitely acting like a lion! Windy, alternating between snow and freezing rain and mud everywhere!!
My activity level seems to be matching the weather. Last week was slow and steady, while this week has been a whirlwind of activity! I've spend every last second spinning for a custome order and getting a new Fleece Study Club ready to launch. It's called "Are Ewe Well-Bred" and is FINALLY up for sale in the shop!
Here are my spinning adventures: My customer wanted a "sunset" yarn, and I gave it two tries for her to choose between.
And she wanted a purple yarn with lots of flecks of other colors. Here's what I came up with:
That's more spinning in week than I've done in a long time!!
For anyone interested, here's a peak at what the club is about:
It includes a 2.5 ounce batt, breed info card, spinner's notes card (not shown), a lock sample, and fun and prizes in my Ravelry group. You can check out the shop for more information.
It's Fiber Friday!!! Check out Wonder Why Alpaca's blog to follow along with other fiber artist's woolly pursuits!!

Reader Comments (3)
Beautifully spun! I especially like the purple with flecks. Happy Friday Fiber Arts.
OhMyBob - that first one is stunning. Yum-my!
Happy fiber arts Friday. :)
The yarns are beautiful!
I love what you get in the fiber club too. Having the breed card and the lock is a very nice touch.
Happy Fiber Arts Friday!