Happy Holidays Catch-Up!

Merry Christmas (late!) and a Happy New Year! It seems I've skipped fall all together here on the blog. It was one heck of a season. I had 2 fiber festivals, a stint of being a single mom as Mike went to Australia on business (how jealous was I?!), a bedroom make-over (including new paint!), a great farm visit from some city kids, 5 field trips, 4 school holiday parties, a few trips to various farms in the area, a full week of slaughtering rams (we slaughtered and butchered all by ourselves--Mike and I were very proud farmers), a women's retreat over a weekend, 3 classes that I taught, 1 finalized pattern that I designed for a magazine (yay!), Thanksgiving and finally the flu . . . which turned into bronchitis . . . which created lingering asthma issues.
Which brings us to Christmas! My parents came into town from Texas and we had a great visit. I got a snazzy new camera, and I can't wait to show it off!
Check out the action shot of Rose eating her hay! I can't get over how crisp everything is.
Rose and Wyeth posed nicely for me to show off the beautiful sweater that they're currently growing for me. Won't their colors be splendid together in a colorwork sweater? ("Splendid"? Mike has Top Gear UK on right now while I type)
After feeding all the animals, Kat and I took a little walk in the woods. This was really a secret mission of mine to see if I could finally capture Kat on film (disk?) without blurs. It's a well-accepted fact in our family that there are no clean pictures of her. She never stops moving.
Mission accomplished! I caught her mid-air!!!
And then the mission was over and we headed home.
Looking forward to more camera fun!