Ewe's Fat!

I can't believe we don't have lambs yet. Sparkles, poor thing, just keeps getting bigger and bigger. But when I put hay out or their nightly ration of pellets, she comes running. Yes, running.
Here's a shot of her in the barn from our web cam:
Of course, she's laying down, but that is one big Shetland. And I'm pretty sure she's only having twins. I'll be surprised if she has triplets--they don't really run in her blood line.
Peridot's no waif, either:
Emerald is still small, but just starting to bag up, so at least I know she's pregnant.
Here's where the ladies stood a week ago as far as their udders go:
Emerald 3/23/12
Peridot 3/23/12
Sparkles 3/23/12As of today, Sparkles and Peridot are neck and neck for winning the largest udder contest. I'd take more pictures, but every time I'm out there taking snap shots of sheep butts, Starr gives me really weird looks. I'm sure she thinks I'm a weirdy.
Can't really blame her; I never thought I'd be this fascinated with sheep udders either!