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Entries in spinning (22)


We're in "Lion" Mode!

So March came in like a lamb here in WNY, but right now it's definitely acting like a lion! Windy, alternating between snow and freezing rain and mud everywhere!!

My activity level seems to be matching the weather. Last week was slow and steady, while this week has been a whirlwind of activity! I've spend every last second spinning for a custome order and getting a new Fleece Study Club ready to launch. It's called "Are Ewe Well-Bred" and is FINALLY up for sale in the shop!

Here are my spinning adventures: My customer wanted a "sunset" yarn, and I gave it two tries for her to choose between.

And she wanted a purple yarn with lots of flecks of other colors. Here's what I came up with:

That's more spinning in week than I've done in a long time!!

For anyone interested, here's a peak at what the club is about:

It includes a 2.5 ounce batt, breed info card, spinner's notes card (not shown), a lock sample, and fun and prizes in my Ravelry group. You can check out the shop for more information.


It's Fiber Friday!!! Check out Wonder Why Alpaca's blog to follow along with other fiber artist's woolly pursuits!!



Where for art thou Spring?

OK, so I know it's only Feb. 18, and here in the Buffalo area, we really aren't going to see real Spring for a few more weeks (ehm . . . a month), but the weather is teasing me today, and I can't help but let my mind drift to sunshine and daffodils. It's blowing hard, trying to drizzle, and is a balmy 56 degrees! Oh happy day!!

My plans for the day include dyeing a beautiful bfl fleece and re-photographing quite a few products, but the electricity is starting to flicker, so we'll see what actually gets accomplished.

I had so much fun spinning this week. I spun up some Corriedale-cross roving that I had in the shop, and will be dyeing more of today. The spin was fast, fun and completely enjoyable--I love spinning medium fine wool!! The finished yarn is fluffy, springy, bulky and squishy. I can see it becoming a little boy's vest. I have a nephew who's first birthday is coming up, if it doesn't sell, it just may become a vest after all!

I had fun photographing this, so bear with me!

Last one!

I'm also on basement water patrol. I soooo hope the electricity holds today!

It's Fiber Arts Friday, so head over to Wonder Why Alpacas and see what other fiber bloggers are up to!


Showing off

I have some stuff to show off:

Captain Malcom Reynolds










These are the fibers and yarns I have up in the shop that are "Firefly" inspired. More are coming soon!

The items are great, but what I'm really showing off is my new-found toy: Picasa! It makes great collages and is so simple to use! Aren't they shiny?!


Happy New Year!

So, I think, like all other bloggers out there, my New Year's resolution is to be better about consistant blogging! OK, so I can't be too hard on myself. I really fell off the wagon during Christmas, and it is a really busy time of year: between activities, shopping and it being peak sales time, I just couldn't get to it. Maybe next year I should have some stock stories saved up to publish!

But it's a new year! And I'm kicking it off strong! I have an FO (finished object) to share:

Kat's Hat!!I was tying on pom poms on the way to our Christmas dinner party. She got to show it off to the whole family. To recap: I participated in The Critter Ranch's birthstone spin-a-long, and got a tourmaline batt; I spun up the yarn, knit the hat, and got a great picture of Kat!

Be looking for a Kat's Hat worksheet in the shop to make your own in any gauge for any size!

I have quite a few busy customers that have been kind enough to send along pictures of their FOs, so throughout this week, I'll be highlighting them and their work!

And here's a gratuitous shot of my kids on Christmas Eve at church. Kat NEVER sits still long enough for a good shot, so this is a rare and elusive photo.

Love to hear how adorable you think Kat is in her hat, or how cute the kiddos are! ;) (yup, shamelessly looking for comments!)


My First Spin-A-Long

Goodness, it's been awhile since I've posted anything! It's good to have some time to be here!

I've been busy with Christmas, the shop, my oldest turning 16 this past Wed (and a big 'ol party coming up tomorrow!) and playing with my friends in a spin-a-long. My good friend and fellow Phat Fiber contributor, Sue, owner of The Critter Ranch, hosted a Spin-A-Long featuring batts from her animals in colors inspired by Birthstones! The group of us are on Ravelry talking about all the colors, posting photos of the batts we received, and keeping each other updated on our spinning progress.

I chose tourmaline in honor of Kitty turning 1 in October. Here are the photos of the batt, the yarn in progress, the finished yarn and my first swatchings (with Kitty approving along the way). I haven't decided if it'll be a hat for her or a sweater. If it's a sweater, it'll have to be a top-down, seemless yoke with the rest of the body finishing up in a complimentary color. I'd love to hear some opinions about how to use this!!

Enjoy the slide show!








 It's Fiber Arts Friday, so head over to Wonder Why Alpaca Farm and enjoy some other fiber-friendly blogs!! I'm off to make fudge and clean for a party!!