The Big Picture--Being a Shepherd's Friend

I've been doing a lot of thinking about my business and the art I produce for spinners, knitter and fiber artists. Bear with me as I delve into the how's and why's of my business, Inspiration Fibers.
As a "mission statement", my shop has a purpose of educating fiber artists about the different characteristics of breeds of sheep while using a method that supports small farming in America.
All across the nation, there has been a snow-balling movement to focus on "local", or at least American. There are groups of thought ranging from buying only American-made products to buying only products made/grown within 100 miles of where you live.
"Sparkles" from Whispering Pines Shetland Farm. Her fleece will be featured in October!
As a business owner, I decided I needed to find my place within this movement to base my shop on. And, as a soon-to-be shepherd, it only makes sense for me to support small farming in America. I think spinners and knitters want to support these small farms, as evidenced by the huge turn-out at fiber festivals over the past few years, but not all are up for the labor-intensive wool washing process or have the equipment for carding large quantities.
When I originally began my Etsy shop, I purchased wholesale roving and yarn from a large wholesaler that imports from England. I was able to provide high-quality wool at reasonable prices. Great business model, but I found I was excluding myself from a group of artists and consumers that were more focused on the big picture. And I wanted to be a part of that group! These are things I truly believe in and needed my lifestyle and art to reflect those beliefs.
Romney batts from "Honey Bear" of Long Meadow Farm
Now I purchase, at retail price, fleeces from small farms that focus on a single breed of sheep. Beyond supporting the shepherds, by focusing on a single breed, I can provide a monthly breed study for spinners and knitters. All my "Sherpherds' Friend" products come with information about the farm (and sometimes the actual sheep) and the breed. I wash, dye, pick and card all the wool myself. Every lock of wool had passed through my hands at least four times, and sometimes it's hard for me to let go of the finished batts!
All Shepherds' Friend products come with educational and informational material
Feel free to click around my blog to learn more about the Shepherds' Friend program, and see the first month's pages dedicated to Corriedale sheep, Argvarden and their sheep, Elsa. Romney from Long Meadow Farm will be up soon.