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Entries in hand dyed (3)


It's Here!

My Phat Fiber Super Box came yesterday! Morgan and I plunged in, organized and took pictures! Jessie of Phat Fiber, showed-off the samples in a video and then sent the video contents on as the Super Box. When Morgan and I opened it up, I had to laugh because she must literally show the sample on the video and then sweep it into the box. Baggies were opened and left empty, lables are scattered, it was hilarious! I decided since I'll have to review the video to match up the tags anyway, I'd take all labels off and get some great shots of piles of fluff and yarn.

The theme for this box was "Day of the Dead," and it has to be the most consistant, coordinated box I've seen.

The bags and pattern (yes, I count the pretty organza bags; I re-use them all the time!):


The accessories:

A close-up of the 16! skull stitch markers I got! There was only one set, Vampire Diaries, that wasn't skull-themed!

The yarn (it's all so-well coordinated!!!!):

There were lots, and lots, of "Sugar Skulls" colorways. Here's a fun shot of them:

And (drum roll please!), here's the fluff!!!!!

So many huge samples and ALL gorgeous colors! I am one lucky girl!!!


Leicester Longwool Locks

Say that three times fast!

I have a full Leicester Longwool fleece that was only sheared once that year, so the locks are almost (if not) a foot long. And the shine is amazing!

The only problem is that a LOT of it is cotted (matted) throughout. This past week, some friends and I sat down to some locks to see what we could salvage, and here's a sampling:





And to give you an idea of how long they are:

I was amazed at how shiny these are! They're the same locks I used earily as hair extentions, but now they're available in the shop as sets for doll hair and felting needs. 

I really, really wish I was a felter or doll maker. I can imagine a lot of these as manes for horses/unicorns/pegesus' or for hair on fairys/sprites elves. Maybe it's time Morgan and I start making Woldorf dolls!


Nerd Wars! The Battle Plans are Being Drawn!


As mentioned before, Stone and String and I (Inspiration Fibers) are collaborating for Ravelry's Nerd Wars. We're on Team Browncoat; dedicated to keeping Firefly alive and the skies free. (For Bridget ;) and others: Firefly is a TV show by Joss Whedon that only was alive for 14 wonderful episodes and a terrific movie. Fans have kept up ferver for it for 8 years now. It's brilliant. It's a Western set in space. I know--but you should check it out on Netflix if you can!) Signups are taking place now, with the first battle starting on Feb. 1. Shelley and I are even official sponsors!

In preparation, Shelley and I are busy over our dye pots. Here's a sneak peak at "Kaylee" (very sneak peak--it's still dripping!). The yarn is my line called "Faith"; it's Bluefaced Leicester Superwash, worsted. Shelley will have similar colorways for Kaylee in her different yarn bases.

This is based on Kaylee at the market in the first episode of Firefly.


Stay tuned for Inara, River and Mal. They'll be batts in my shop, and will be ready to launch by Saturday!!