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Entries in felting (2)


Celebrating New Fiber Friends

I have been so blessed in my life. And very richly by the friends I have made within the fiber community. My two best friends came from the local yarn shop where I use to work and teach, and this week I'd like to celebrate two new friendships that have recently blossomed through my Etsy shop and Ravelry.

Myra is a gifted fiber artist herself, and began purchasing my batts for her felted scarves.

From this batt:

Her favorite: "Harvest"

From my Harvest batt:

And the specially commissioned "Tutu" for her friend:


We've struck up a great friendship and have so much in common. Her fiber shop is Lucy Ate the Yarn--isn't that an adorable name for a fiber shop? Her dog, Lucy use to eat her yarn!

This week, we're so excited because Myra got her first spinning wheel and is wrestling yarn out of it as I type. I really wish we lived closer so I could encourage her in person!

Luckily, for me, Myra is also a very gifted jewelry maker. Her shop Calvin Says Merci is full of beautiful bracelets, and a portion of the proceeds go to her local animal shelter (Calvin is her other pup!).

I say "luckily for me" because look what arrived, unexpectedly, in the mail yesterday:

It's a faceted moonstone bracelet that I had been admiring in her shop!! I'm so spoiled! Can you see the flashes of blue from the stone? I keep twirling my wrist to see it flash! Thank you so much Myra!!! And good luck with the wheel!

Now, my second new friendship started as a collaboration between Stone and String Studio 's owner, Shelley and I for a very fun and silly event on Ravelry called Nerd Wars. We are both Phat Fiber contributors and joined Team Browncoat (dedicated to keeping the now-cancelled "Firefly" series alive and well, and the skies free). We wanted to do some studio work for the kick-off of the war, but didn't want to step on eachother's toes. So we're working together! We had the best phone conversation yesterday, and managed to get a little work in as well.

Be looking for "Firefly" inspired fiber and yarn in my shop and hers in a week or two. We've developed colorways based on the characters of the show and are each representing them in our shops. For instance: I'll have a Mal batt and she'll have a Mal yarn, but the colors will be the same (or similar--we are two different artists living hundreds of miles away from each other after all!).

I can't wait to get busy on it!

As a side note, I finally got my January Phat Fiber samples finished and they are in the mail today! Whew. The theme is Chinese New Year, and my inspiration were the fireworks. Here are Lincoln Longwool Locks and Firestar held together with Clun Forest roving and a cotton binder. It's called "Firecracker" and is a little core spinning kit. I'll have a tutorial on this technique up soon!

It's Fiber Arts Friday and you all need to head over to Wonder Why Alpaca Farm to continue reading fiber-rich blogs!


Art for Artists

I consider myself a fiber artist, but I've only recently started using the title when describing my job to people. It seems a little strange still, but running my own business helps boost my confidence. And yet, the question remains: when was this a hobby and why am I now an artist? I don't think sales defines art, I don't think a finished item defines art (ie: something created for the sole purpose of being admired and not used).

So what does? And who exactly is an artist?

I'm continually adapting my definition of art and being an artist as I explore my own art and that of others. And I find myself in an interesting place, along with many other dyers and spinners: our art is a supply for other artists. We don't create a finished product (well, unless you count all my un-knit handspun hanging as decoration on hooks in my back studio): we create to help others create. But we're no less artists!

Oh the layers. Oh the depth.

With that being said, I'm often in awe of some of the things my customers make, so here I go bragging on them . . .

This is Debra Poth's felt work.

It's just amazing how she's able to catch movement and texture with wool. Her shop is Deebs on Etsy, and she's definitely on my short list for Christmas! I can't wait to see what she does with my little 'ol batts. I'm humbled.

And check out this new fiber artist (well, new to felting anyway!). This is Joyce Deming's felted scarf that she made from one of my BFL/mohair batts:


The original batts:

I really wish I could touch it!! It was only her third attempt at wet felting, and I think she nailed it! She has a site where she sells her necklaces and gorgeous ID tag holders: JD Handmade.

I'm no closer to defining art, artists and where I stand, but if I help inspire women like this, then my work is done!!

I hope everyone had a great Fiber Friday, and check out the link to Wisdom Begins in Wonder's blog to get more fiber-y fill!