Lamb Update 4.2.13

Emeralds' twin ewes, Lily and Violet:
Violet--not the best photo, but she's rather squirly.
Sparkles' rams, Hickory and Ash:
Hickory popping around the barn. He wouldn't stand still!
Ash, on the other hand, enjoyed posing.Peridot's girls, Rose and Buttercup:
Rose--I love how deep her color is. Hope it doesn't fade too much in the sun.
Buttercup--love her fleece; check out the crimp!And Peridot's little ram, Rowan, who's hanging in the house with us:
He really has the exact fleece I've been wanting in a ram: dark brown and tiny curls. However, he's just too small and scrawny. He's doing OK, but I'm a little worried about his high respiratory rate and he seems weak today. We're doing what we can, and keeping our fingers crossed!
Everyone still looks rather wobbly--photos in a week will show strong, stout little lambs!!