First Lambs of the Season!

Sparkles had her twins last night!
I woke up at about 2:40 am from a deep sleep, worried about Sparkles. She had been acting different yesterday, and I was pretty sure her time was soon. I couldn't shake the feeling, so I finally got up and checked our lambcam.
I saw one lamb up and moving with Starr, our llama standing guard, and I was out the door running. At some point I said to my husband, "Mike! Lambs!" When I got to the barn, Starr was still over the lamb, and Sparkles was to the other one. I scooped them up and put all three in a lambing pen.
Mike joined me about 5 minutes later, and then we stared at them for an hour.
The Ewe
The Ram
Starr standing guard.