Breed Study 2013 Membership News!

We're heading into the third year of our breed study club for spinners, and membership is open! Read on for more information about the club and signing up (first published on Ravelry) . . .
Welcome to year 3 of the breed study club! The past two years have been a delight, and I’m looking forward to this next year full of new sheep breeds to explore!
2012 Members/Renewals: Every member’s subscription will be coming to an end in April, with our last shipment being Corriedale. Next year’s changes include having Acorn Works Fiber Mill process the fleeces and the elimination of the dyed option for the club. We’re going all-natural! Read on for information about prices, registration and breeds. And check it out … the prices are staying the same!!! Every member that has been a part of the club for at least 6 months and renews will receive a special thank you gift with the first month’s shipment.
New Members!
Thank you for your interest in the Breed Study Club here at Inspiration Fibers! We’ve been going strong for two years now and would love to have you join us for next year.
In the club, you will receive:
2.5 oz. of fiber (processed as roving)
an unwashed lock sample
a breed information card
a spinner’s notes card
Unique to this club is our collective learning environment. Each month I begin a new thread dedicated to the breed we’re studying. On every Monday, I post a question or topic about the breed including history, random facts, spinning approach, opinions, etc. Every post after that for the week is entered into a random drawing for a prize on the following Monday.
I know we can all fall behind in our spinning from time to time, so as an added incentive, I create a “finished yarns” thread for the breed each month. At the end of the month, I draw a winner at random for a nice 2 oz. dose of additional wool.
All the wool comes from small farmers across America (except where impossible) and are processed at a local mill: Acorn Works Fiber Mill. None of the wool comes from commercial sources.
There are two options for enrollment: 6 or 12-month memberships. The cost of the club is $98 for 6 months and $180 for 12 months. Additional shipping charges are $15 for 6 months domestic; $30 for 12 months domestic. Canadian shipping will be $45 for 6 months and $90 for 12 months due to the increase in US postal rates. The total cost is:
6-month US membership: $98 + $15 = $113
12-month US membership: $180 + $30= $210
6-month Canadian membership: $98 + $45 = $143
12-month Canadian membership: $180 + $90 = $270
All payment will be through Paypal. To enroll, please send me a message via Ravelry OR email me at
Shipments will go out the first week of the month beginning in May. The club runs from Spring to Spring to take advantage of freshly shorn wool.
Breeds that we’ll be studying this year include (but are subject to change due to availability):
Fine wool Shetland (from my flock!)
Kerry Hill
Bluefaced Leicester (this is a repeat from year one and may change)
I’ll announce the order of the shipments when I start getting fleeces in and talk with Diane and Acorn Works. I know Merino will not be until next Winter/Spring due to an October shearing.
Thank you for your interest, and please feel free to contact me with any questions,
Amanda Hartrich
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