Fiber Arts Friday -- Fiber Harvest

Yesterday was a connection-making day. I'm new to blogging as all of you know :), and I'm just beginning to navigate this crazy web we bloggers weave.
So I stumbled upon - Arts & Crafts Community and then I found Wisdom Begins in Wonder, Andrea Morrison's blog about her alpaca farm. And she is a part of a Fiber Arts Friday group where I noticed knit with snot for you, a blog by Holly Bee that I was already following! Whew! I feel like I've come full-circle AND want to jump in. So here it goes, my very own Fiber Arts Friday post.
Wednesday was dyeing day in the studio. When my husband called from work and asked what I was up to, as always on dyeing day, I answered "dyeing." He laughs every time. When will he get over it?
Anyway, yesterday was drying day, and today will be carding day. BUT, I caught a few quick pics of the yummy Romney fiber before it was carded.
Romney locks ready for Autumn.
A glamor shot.These locks were from a Romney ram named Honey Bear from my friend Sandy Long's farm: Long Meadow Farm. I would throw her link in here, but she doesn't have a web site. I need to help her with that!
My hands are itching to blend these together and get them up in my shop. They'll be part of the Shepherds' Friend program where you can support small farming in America and learn about different breeds.
Tomorrow I actually have a knitting FO to share, but I have to wait, because it's my mom's birthday present and she doesn't get it until tomorrow!!
Reader Comments (7)
Beautlful! I love the glamour shot. I am so ready for fall.
Can't wait to see your mom's present.
Welcome to FAF! It's a great group and thank you for such a great colorful post. I'm itching to get a carder so I can start playing with a basement full of fiber instead of shipping it off to the mill all the time.
Love the colors of your fiber. Enjoyed your husband's joke! Guys....
Beautiful colors! I'm so glad you have joined us on Fiber Arts Friday. I bet you're dyeing to spin those lovely locks once they are dry. I would be.
Love the colors you have going. Fun!
So all day I have been thinking about how to incorporate your name into something. DEMANDA cracked me up. I was trying to think of a way to make it a good, powerful statement. Like DemandAttention. I'll try to get Miss Snotty on it tomorrow.
Have a great weekend!
Thanks for all the warm welcomes! I really enjoyed today and reading everyone's blogs! What fun!
Bec--love DemandAttention! What in the world could I name that now?! I'm working on establishing Inspiration Fibers--maybe I could use it for some art yarn line?!
Welcome to FAF! We love having new folks. :-)
You're husband's joke is very funny. If I were a dyer, but husband would be equally as funny. lol
Your colors are so bright... I think they DemandAttention!