Adventures in Yarn Design

I decided to make Hannah a vest for her school picture day. Of course, being me, I decided this two weeks before the big day AND felt I needed to design it from scratch with a coordinating hand spun yarn for the edging. Oh, and take pictures along the way for the blog and a publish-able pattern.
So . . . Hannah looked very cute this past Wednesday in her dress from Tea and leggings (sans vest!). Oh well. Sometimes life forces me to be realistic (see this post from Wednesday). And she wasn't too disappointed, in fact, I think she was a little relieved.
But she will get a vest soon, designed from scratch, with a handspun yarn accent, that I will make her wear at least once to school.
Here's what I've been up to:
These are the colors I chose to stripe for her yarn. The gold will be a thin layer over the other colors to create continuity through the stripes.
This is the final batt, ready for pulling.
Some of the pulled roving and the last batt to go.
The vest, part-way finished, laying on the pulled roving.
I plan to have a tutorial on creating the batts and pulling the roving up next week. There's a tricky little catch in the way I pulled the roving!!
And the pattern will be written up and for sale soon.
As of today, the yarn is half-spun, the vest is separated for front and back and my laundry room is almost finished!
Gotta keep all those plates spinning!!
Have a fantastic Fiber Arts Friday, Creative Friday and Crafty Friday! Follow the links to get a full-dose of artsy goodness!
Reader Comments (11)
I love the roving.
Beautiful colors! Spun up they will be gorgeous! I've been playing with my drum carder and batts and deciding if I like the one pass through which gives the distinct colors or the two's tough and depends on my mood so I've been making both.
Thank you for sharing. Happy Fiber Arts Friday!
The colors are wonderful!
Your roving is beautiful! I am so looking forward to your roving tutorial. You have a wonderful Etsy shop. Thank you for posting on Creative Friday:)
Take care
Beautiful colors, that will make some lovely yarn (or other wonderful fiber creation)
Thank you everyone!
Andrea (Wonder Why Gal)--Thanks! My stripes are actually created with two passes so that there's a blending between the colors. It'll be in the tutorial!
Linda--I can't wait to write it and see what everyone thinks!
Have a great rest of your Friday!
Your batt is very nice. I can't wait to see your finished vest, I cannot imagine what that stripey yarn will look like with the blue. Thanks for stopping by my blog today. I agree with the punch-card at the vet. I'd get lots of free pet care if they had such a thing. Happy Fiber Arts Friday!
great colors-I love using my drum carder to make crazy mixed up batts-and also to blend softer shades together
This looks great! I had a similar idea to make something handmade for each of my kids to wear to my brother's wedding. It didn't happen either. ;)
Ally--I'm looking forward to seeing it all come together too! My fingers are crossed that it looks good :)
Kathi--Thank you! Love my carder!
Jess-- Glad I'm not the only one!!!
That roving is so pretty. Love the colors, and I can't wait to see your roving tutorial. That sounds great. I'm still such a novice spinner.