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Entries in phat fiber (8)


November's Phat Fiber Box: Season of Light

It's here!!! I'm just giddy!

It was waiting on my door when I got home this afternoon, and I had enough sense to open it close to my light box so I could take pictures, but I couldn't wait for my lights to warm up, so some of the pictures are a little dark!

The box:

ALL the stuff:

The Fluff:

The Yarns:

The patterns, stitch markers, candle and cards:

There were a few things I didn't get, so I'm going to have to go see if samples are available at shops. All my samples sold out at my shop, so I've listed more tea lights in different colorways. It's been a busy week!


Phat Fiber Samples!

I've decided to join in the fun and send samples in to the Phat Fiber Box. For those of you out side of the fiber world, the Phat Fiber box is a fiber festival sent through the mail to customers.

Independent fiber artists send samples in, and then 200 boxes are made from the samples. Every box is different because each artist only sends in about 20-100 samples (depending on how ambitous they are!). At a secret time every month (but you can get a heads up through the website), the boxes go on sale through the Phat Fiber etsy store. They are sold out in a matter of seconds!

But througout the month, there's lots of fun in the Ravelry group and many prizes through the Phat Fiber blog (a lot of artists send in full-size products to be given away on the blog).

So now I'm going to be a part of it all, and I'm so excited!! I sent my samples off last week, but I want to show them off here! The theme for November is "Seasons of Light."

They're hand-pulled roving wrapped around battery-operated tea lights! I just love them ;)

Here's a few more pics


All wrapped up for the box

A full-sized batt to show off the fibers.

The fibers included are Merino, BFL, Silk, Corriedale, Romney and Firestar. Super soft!!


Zombies at the Mall (and a Phat sneak peek)

I've been writing this post in my head since Sunday, and can't wait to get it out there to my blogging groups because I know of a few people who would enjoy it! But today has been filled with Halloween parties and birthday party prep. So now it's almost 4 and I need to start cooking, but here I am writing to all of you!

Happy Fiber Arts Friday and Crafty Friday!

I'm a big Anita Blake fan. Love the Buff. Can't wait for Karen Marie Moning's next book. And have seen everything by Joss Whedon (except Firefly which is in my Netflix queue, but including Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog!). I'm terribly sad that I missed the Phat Fiber group's Ravelry "Surviving a Zombie Apocolypse" swap. But cheer myself up with another viewing of "Zombieland."

If you know what I'm talking about, we must be kindred spirits. If you don't, my best friend Petra has a book and movie list for you (she rolls her eyes at all this stuff).

As an aside, I know this doesn't really fit in with my Christian beliefs, but it's a vice I'm aware of and am working through.

So there's my street cred. I have a dark side that I keep quiet, but my spirit rejoices when I find another zombie/vampire/Faye/Highland Berserker fan. However, I don't live out my dark obessions like some people, and that may put me at a disadvantage when I encounter something like this in my mall parking lot:

Wow. I know.

So here's where I'm at. . . I thought I was up on all my sub-culture dark stuff, but what is this? Is this a group I'm not familiar with (gasp!) or some individual who lives out their fantasy life a little too much?

It's pretty awesome, but when we (my boys and I) peeked into the back seat, there's actually a slaying kit in there!!! No kidding. They had a large canvas bag (maybe for the bodies?), an ax, a shovel and a gun case. That's when we continued walking into the mall and made sure no one saw me taking pictures!

However . . . since the response vehicle was at the mall, were we walking into our own zombie apocolypse?!!! Next time I go shopping, maybe I need to bring some salt and a little voodoo with me!


On a fiber-y note, I'm participating in the Phat Fiber box for the first time ever this November. All my samples are done, and here's a sneak peek:

The theme is Seasons of Light. I'll have pictures of the actual samples in a week or two; closer to when the videos are done.

I can't wait to hear what everyone's take is on the zombie outbreak response vehicle, or to be educated on this group!!!

Have a Happy Halloween!!!


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