Llama on the way!
Wednesday, April 27, 2011 at 10:39AM
Willow Glen Farm in Family, Farm Life, confetti, llama, the critter ranch

My great friend Sue of The Critter Ranch is providing a llama for our farm to protect our soon-to-be flock of Shetland sheep! We'll be getting "Confetti" and she's coming to us pregnant (squeal!). The following pictures are of Confetti at Sue's farm (pre and post shearing) and the daddy we picked out (his name is Erick).

Isn't she adorable? Isn't he handsome?! I think the kids are waaaay more excited about the  llamas than the sheep. And that's fine with me!

Article originally appeared on Willow Glen Farm - Hand-dyed Wool & Scenes From a Fiber Farm Life (http://www.willowglenfarm.net/).
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